We recently had two board members (trustees) leave the executive board. In an effort to fill this positions a call was made for members to be nominated. The two vacated positions term runs till 9/30/23, at which point those two positions would be up for reelection. If you wish to be nominated please contact the Eboard by Monday 5/16/22. Once the timeline expires for nominations, we will hold a vote. Below are the list of members that have been nominated thus far.
miscBrothers and Sisters,
The organizers of the BEACH LIFE RANCH Festival have reached out to the TFFA with discounted admission pricing for those that are interested. Please see the flyer below.
Vice President Chris Koch
Rock Around The Block
miscHi all! On July 21st, The Torrance Historical Society will be having their “Rock Around The Block” event in downtown Torrance infront of the Bartlett Senior Center. This is a great community event and they have asked for our participation. We have the opportunity to be a part of this as we have been asked to provide our awesome BBQ’N skills. The event organizers have asked us to bring our BBQ and grill hot dogs! The set up is at 16:00 and the event runs from 17:00 till about 20:00. We are looking for some cooks and anyone who wants to hangout and help. This is a great opportunity to interact with our community! Please come out and help. Captain Mendivil will be dragging the BBQ over there, I’m sure he could the help! Contact Captain Mendivil or myself with any questions.
Chris Koch
Wage Negotiation Survey
MembersTrustee Voting has begun.
miscThe voting period for the two Eboard Trustee positions has begun. It will run from 5/17/22 – 5/23/22. Please log on and vote for two of the candidates listed in the voting section. Thanks!
Wage Survey
miscThere is a wage survey that has gone live on our website as of 5/17/22. Make sure to vote and submit each of the four parts of the survey. The voting will end 5/23/22 @ 17:00 hrs. Thanks for your participation!
miscWe recently had two board members (trustees) leave the executive board. In an effort to fill this positions a call was made for members to be nominated. The two vacated positions term runs till 9/30/23, at which point those two positions would be up for reelection. If you wish to be nominated please contact the Eboard by Monday 5/16/22. Once the timeline expires for nominations, we will hold a vote. Below are the list of members that have been nominated thus far.
Union Meeting 5/2/22
MinutesSST Door-to-Door Walk
MembersEric Church at Crypto Arena
MembersGeneral Membership Meeting